Is Your Ego Stopping You?

Have you ever wondered how your identity stops you from your progressing in your life?

My client last week was stuck in the identity of a “good” mother.

When I asked her to be open to the possibility of just being a mother, that triggered her because her identity of a good mother was formed from her need to prove that she is not like her mother who didn’t care for her.

Another client who did enormous self work finds her identity in connecting to people with access to wisdom. Listening to those people is her identity of being an open person without ego.

As an egoless person, when I asked her if she can surrender to the door mat, she was perplexed and unsure of what I asked!!

Another client who was a healer approached me and asked if I can change my method to what she suggests, so that she can be healed and changed.

Can you see the common thread?

An identity and the attachment to the idea of a good mother, an open and egoless person, a healer who has all the knowledge was stopping them from their spiritual progress.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a therapist for 20 years or practising meditation for a decade.

It’s not in knowing the “why” or “how”, it is in being and making consistent conscious choice.

The path to your self realisation is in “unbecoming” and “letting go of control”

Go beyond your ideas, identities and ego, fearlessly explore what lies ahead of you.

Manna ❤️

“Live with fearless inner peace”

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