How costly is it to keep someone happy?

How costly is it to keep someone happy?

Or what if there is no tomorrow?

In 1999, I fell from my motorbike on a   national highway and was lying unconscious on the road for almost an hour.

Badly bruised and came home with stitches. And these thoughts haunted me on my way back home from the hospital.

  • What if I never regained consciousness?
  • What about the negativity that I left behind?
  • What about the unkept promises?
  • What about the apologies that I never made but I wanted to?
  • What about the ideas that never saw daylight because of the fear of failure?

As soon as I reached home, I shredded my diary to pieces and decided never to accumulate negative thoughts and opinions.

What if my life is short and numbered?

  • Does it matter if the person whom I am helping never says thank you and please?
  • Does it matter if I tried and failed?
  • Does it matter if someone does not repay my kindness with kindness?
  • Does it even matter if I did not experience everything I wanted to?

And after introspection and reflection, I understood my happiness is in being me and doing what I love to do.

❄It is not based on what you think of me, because I am not here for long anyway.

❄I am ready to try, irrespective of winning or losing, because I am not here for long anyway.

❄I am willing to give my best even if the other person does not understand or appreciate it, because I am not here for long anyway.

❄It really costs nothing to be happy and make others happy if only we realise we are not here for long anyway.

❄And it really does not matter what we get while making others happy, because we are not here for long anyway.

You may be spiritual about “impermanence”, but it’s just life and nothing else.

“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it. – W. Somerset Maugham

Enjoy every conversation, triumph and failure as if there is no tomorrow.

Love ❤️

PS : The Art of Self Discovery is a concept designed for personal evolution through self-awareness. If you haven’t joined the Facebook group yet, make sure to join today  “Art of Self-discovery”

When you are ready to move forward leaving the past behind you or would like to clear your head in relation to personal or professional life issues or relationship issues, feel free to book a call here.


You really didn’t let me get away with anything!!

You reached into my soul and shifted stuff about!? I think you are an amazing interior designer!!

One lesson I learned today,
“Your future needs you, Your past doesn’t”… I let go….

Thank you so much for returning deep in my life right now – I just appreciate your presence so very much.


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