How To Unlock Your Healing Power? Coaching is not the solution. Healing is.

This week was particularly interesting to me and I was questioning my purpose. I was asking myself, “What is my drive and motivation?”. As I was reflecting, I realised healing is my gift. Yes, I heal trauma, obsession, anxiety and depression. I am not a coach. I am not reiki or pranic healer and neither

How To Unlock Your Healing Power? Coaching is not the solution. Healing is. Read More »

My experience with Antidepressants – Think twice before taking antidepressants

  Do you know that antide”press”ants are not the solution for resolving depression? Depression is not a disease. It is a state of mind. When the fears creep up, when the unknown haunts you and challenges that you thought were driving you, have been accomplished-your mind experiences a certain state of dullness. It is almost a

My experience with Antidepressants – Think twice before taking antidepressants Read More »

Science Vs Religion – Which Needs More Faith? – Are both just a perfect waste of time?

I’d like to share with you my own personal story today. In India, religion plays a huge role in everyday life, from getting up, clothing, rituals to celebrations and festivals. And spirituality has always been a way of life under my dad’s supervision in his own unique ways. At a very young age, I was

Science Vs Religion – Which Needs More Faith? – Are both just a perfect waste of time? Read More »

Stop letting your generational past dictate your present and future decisions.

I hope you have had a good week. Mine has been full of completions both personally and professionally, which means I can now concentrate on embracing new challenges and living in the moment. This week I would like to talk about why – where you come from, matters. You see, many of the time, we are stuck in life, not

Stop letting your generational past dictate your present and future decisions. Read More »

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