Your Mind is your Ferrari and it needs a service..

Hi There,

This is my first newsletter of the new financial year 2023 starting 01 July 2022.

Reflecting upon the last 12 months, it has been an incredible ride with all its ups and downs.

It is an awesome journey with some of the most incredible humans who are not shy about being vulnerable and not scared to be courageous.

I was talking to my students this morning and mentioned that I don’t service clients, I service Ferraris’.

Just because they come to me for sessions doesn’t mean they are weak or vulnerable. They are performing Ferrari’s who needs maintenance – Quick and efficient.

And for that, we need a strong service team- Genuine, effective & efficient.

And to reiterate, if you are suffering or easily triggered or not speaking about Trauma or anxiety or depression that is bothering you, please remember that seeking help in time only means you are well maintained and well prepared for a great journey ahead, just like a Ferrari.

“It is not by pushing and controlling that you work on your shadows.

Understanding and Awareness is the light you shed on your shadows to dissolve”


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