Are You a Perfect Partner To be continued..

Did you get a chance to have that heart to heart conversation with your partner? Did you ask if their emotional and physical needs are met in your relationship?

Continuing from the conversation regarding your perfect partner, thought of addressing one of the classic differences this week.

Barry & Kristal met twenty years ago and that was love at first sight. Young, ambitious, spiritual and family oriented individuals who dreamt of being a husband and wife with kids, home, dog and stable income

Today, they do earn quite well, fit & healthy, 3 kids, 2 beautiful dogs and a big home. Barry was Kristal’s cheerleader and the biggest fan of Kristal that she can ever imagine.

Yet, they are now living separate and very close to divorce.

What went wrong?

Who changed and who didn’t or What has changed and what didn’t?

On a separate note, I planted two beautiful plants a while ago. I planted them 30 cm apart.

They grew so beautifully and after a while they grew so big and so close that the sides touched and started drying and falling out.

I didn’t know why they were wilting and then I realised, I should remove and replant them apart so they can get adequate sunlight and grow big.

I did and they again started growing green and lush. And they don’t need as much water as they needed in the past.

Are relationships the same?

As we grow together, do we take each other for granted and blinded by our own expectations that we forget about the other person involved?

Coming back to Barry & Kristal, it was one of the interesting sessions.

Kristal is always in control because of her underlying subconscious fear of being rejected if she didn’t perform. She is expecting Barry to take control and comfort

her. Barry on the other hand was playing the role of a good man because he decided to be considerate and giving to his wife unlike his dad.

Now tell me, what/who should change?

Take this opportunity to revisit your roles and decisions that you took a while ago in relation to your relationship.

See if you can revisit, reflect and readjust to meet your partner’s needs.

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