“Goals and achievements are meaningful when you are pursuing material benefits. They evolve into purpose and intention when you shift your identity from the material pursuit to meaning and impact.
Purpose & intention evolve to selfless service and deep yearning for self-realisation which then becomes your spiritual pursuit”
It has been a lifetime in the making and over 12 months in preparation.
l am finally launching my longest, deepest most transformative retreat ever.
It’s called Sansara – meaning life in continuous flow in Sanskrit.
This is my personal invite to you to join me on Sansara – 12 day complete lifestyle reset retreat.
If you said “Yes” to at least three from the below, I know you are on a different path from the mainstream and you possess a mind that is ready for unbiased introspection and perception.
And if you are still reading, this is my personal invite to you to join me on Sansara – The 12 day complete lifestyle reset retreat.
While I say 12 day retreat, it is a 12 month journey together starting Jan 2024.
These sort of physical, mental and energetic shifts cannot just happen in 12 days, For that to happen, we need discipline and practice.
Your journey begins in January 2024 and each month, we get together online for two hours to prepare your body, mind & energy with few spiritual but scientific practices that I will share with you and guide you.
As each month progresses, practices are different and every task is directed to prepare your mind, body & energy for the 12 day reset in Sep 2024.
The 12 day reset retreat in Bali in Sep 2024 is all about understanding, assimilating and experiencing the connection and interdependence of physical, astral and causal bodies and accessing different conscious states. This is only possible through your commitment to practice and discipline.
And we don’t stop there.
We continue this journey together after Sep 2024 with discipline and practice for another three months and into the future if you so want to.
If this sounds interesting to you and if you are searching for deeper conversations and experiences, please email me at : manna@mannaabraham.com