Why Daily Practice in the Morning?

One of the challenges for many individuals who want to build a lifestyle of daily rituals is the ability to wake up in the morning.

And one of the reasons you fail to wake up is because

  1. You push yourself to wake up early and yet go to bed late.
  2. Daily Practice is not your priority
  3. You know the benefits of a beautiful discipline such as this and yet you are not in the Being mode.
  4. You take pride in being a thinker and not a doer.

That’s the logical response for a logical mind.

And the real reason is your body’s battery energy is low and depleted (this is not physical or mental energy) . Give it any scientific name you like.

Because if you energy levels are low, you cannot be disciplined, cannot be still without a thought and can be easily triggered by negative emotions or negative behaviours.

Interestingly, the logical and analytical minds fail to be logical in building their energy levels while they do everything to deplete it in the name of busyness, action and adventure.

Being forceful or pushy will not work. Instead use awareness and understanding to respect your body, mind & energy.

And why Morning Practice?

You can access the deep alpha brain waves as you wake up in the morning and sit for practice instead of rushing to get to work or pack lunch for kids..

Increased alpha waves make you a creative, calm thinker.



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