Are you the ugly duckling?

Are you the ugly duckling?

The word “family” is quite often overrated and is taken as a synonym for unconditional love, support and trust.

It works well if you are in a functional family but it’s not the same if you come from a dysfunctional family unit.

Media & movies have overhyped this concept perhaps while the history evidences otherwise.

It may work well for you if you are compliant and may not work well for some one who questions the status quo

It may work well for you if you choose to be submissive but may not work well for someone who doesn’t comply to authority or hierarchy

It may work well if you are ok to be an average individual and may not work well if you are intelligent and independent thinker.

It may work well for you if you are insecured and believe you cannot survive outside this system but may not work well for someone who embraces the world and can thrive anywhere.

Or it can be the other way round.

How long should the ugly duckling learn to quack like a duck to belong, fit in and be understood?

It’s time to be a swan and find your tribe who does not bother about you being a swan or a duck or a bird.

Redefine your idea of family. It’s not just father, mother, siblings, aunts, uncles and blood relations.

Perhaps that will give you the freedom to fly like an eagle , swim like a swan and quack like a duck .

Manna ❤️

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