What’s your card – EMPR Method

A few days ago, Β I shared this news with you that my own unique way to rapidly release trauma – The Emotion Memory Pattern Release (EMPR) Method has been recognised as a brand-new modality by The International Institute For Complimentary Therapists (IICT) and my EMPR practitioners will now be accredited to practice this methodology in 35+ countries around the world πŸŒŽΒ πŸŽ‰

I have been inundated with people wanting to know more about The Emotion Memory Pattern Release(EMPR) method and how it works.

As the founder of this method, let me tell you that it’s not the modality or technique that makes a successful practitioner. Instead, it is a way of life to live congruently. In other words, to lead a life with Consistent Conscious Choices.

Whilst EMPR has been developed to rapidly resolve traumatic triggers and negative states, what really makes the difference is the framework that sits behind it – “27 Dimensions of Being”.

I was a coach. mentor etc etc, bathed in titles using modalities and techniques, only to realise no modality can help an individual with a lasting change. You can only move from one point to another and just like body weight, you will regain it if you stop being conscious of your food habits and movement.

But how to get there?

Is it techniques for habit change, talking to your subconscious, healing your chakras/energy or doing daily yoga and meditation?

It does not work. And if it does, it is temporary, maybe you experienced this yourself !!

And if it did work, we should be surrounded by enlightened and evolved wellness practitioners filled with cosmic love with no suffering and pain.


I am not being critical here and neither am I the enlightened, evolved being. But I realised the surest path is in understanding your “self” through self-enquiry and seeing through your own ego and identity.

Enhance the gift of seeing the cards your mind plays and the role of your body and energy.

This is the key to rapidly resolving trauma, anxiety, depression or any other negative state.

As long as you are a human with likes and dislikes, you cannot be free from suffering but can you be free from likes and dislikes?

Instead, what if we equip ourselves to be our own guides and coaches with simple understanding, awareness and enquiry?

That’s the foundation of this method backed up by the framework of 27 Dimensions of Being.

I will share with you more about this method in the coming weeks .

MannaΒ πŸ™

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