**IMPORTANT INFORMATION**(And exciting news)

Fresh week and a whole fresh month ahead, like a blank canvas to paint what you love to paint.

In my personal life and business, reflection, review, reassessment and setting intentions play a major role.

This is my periodic ritual which is absolutely non negotiable.

You must be aware of “The Listening Post” and “The Goal Post” platforms that I was facilitating online for 84 weeks.

It was born out of my thought to create a space like that for people around the world to come together and have conversations when COVID hit.

Quite a few people lost jobs and uncertainty was at its peak and I believe Listening Post and Goal Post bonded us together during the crisis, gave comfort and we formed friendships over zoom.

Now as things are settling down, we are experiencing the new norm.

We did rethink our priorities and our perspectives changed a lot.

And I think it is now again time for us to rebound and rebond.

I am extremely pleased and love to introduce  these two platforms to you.

1. NIJA – The Innate Truth for your personal journey with intellectual conversations, spirituality, connection and community. You can join from anywhere in the world.

We catch up via Zoom every first Tuesday of the Month for two hours 05.30 PM to 07.30 PM ACDT.

I introduced this in January 2022 as I felt the need for deeper conversations and insightful company. There are 12 amazing women who come every month, reflect on their journey and take a new insight for observation and practice every month.

We discussed Resistance and Guilt in the first two sessions.

This month, we are discussing Identity and Responsibility as a pattern. How is this pattern affecting all areas of your life?

There is a small fee every month for me to facilitate this,so there is commitment, consideration and at the same time, it  is not a big blow on your wallet,while you receive two hours of time every month for pure reflection and self enquiry.

If this interests you, let me know and feel free to book a quick catchup with me here to know more.

Or click here to register

Catch up with Manna


2. The Goal Post-Power Sessions for your entrepreneurial journey.

“Accountability, Application and Action” are the three keywords.

We all need that little support. A little push to keep marching ahead.

As you know I was a business advisor and a Chartered Accountant for 20 years of my life. There is a way to think and strategise for a successful business. Because business is “you” and it does impact every area of your life.

Take this opportunity to be accountable every month and on a daily basis, we motivate each other to set intentions, goals and achieve them without feeling the need to be competitive or overwhelmed.

Andrew Keating, Sales & Marketing Strategist is also offering his time to give you the strategies you need for your business.

This will be a great space for you to grow together with like-minded people.

So, if you are interested in living a life aligned to your values and be successful in your personal and professional life, join The Goal Post-Power sessions every first Wednesday of the month from 6.30 PM to 7.30 PM ACTD

You can check your time zone here: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Register here and join us on Wednesday


Look forward to see you and speak to you

For your success and happiness


PS :To know more about your facilitators click here


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