Think Big but Start Small

How is your daily practice and how are you progressing?

It is quite normal to be either restless or lose focus when you sit for practice.

And for a beginner, 5 minutes of stillness can be an adventure.

Years of rush that you conditioned your body to, cannot be stilled in a day

However, what is important is to build the practice slowly but consistently.

The two most common mistakes are :

1. Setting a goal to sit still for 45 minutes without practicing atleast for 6 months

2. Setting a goal to practice every day for 45 minutes.

Truth is: Your mind cannot process big chunks of long-term goals .

You have to create bite sized goals.

Think BIG but start small.

1. Plan your day ahead or the night before to include atleast 10 minutes of practice, just like brushing your teeth.

2. Once you are consistent with that for atleast 10-15 days, increase the time and frequency in small chunks.

Re commit & Reset your intentions




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