What are the 6 trauma confused identities of an efficient individual?

The 6 common confused thoughts of an efficient individual who experienced trauma 🚩 It hits men, women & children equally..irrespective of academic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.. 😐1. I must be a bad person. Why else would he/she they do this to me⁉️ 😐2. I want good things to happen to me BUT do I deserve

What are the 6 trauma confused identities of an efficient individual? Read More »

Top 5 Reasons you’re holding onto negative emotions and how to let go

What is healing? And why emotional healing? Healing is “releasing with intention” Intention plays a very major role in your healing and the hardest part is to set the intention to release anger, sadness or hurt. Nobody wants to hold onto these negative emotions consciously. Then why do you hold on to them? Here are

Top 5 Reasons you’re holding onto negative emotions and how to let go Read More »

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