Beyond Trauma Residential Programs

If you are living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), & want to heal the past, you are in the right place. Therapy alone cannot heal trauma unless we address assumed identities, complex memories and multiple internal conflicts of the mind.
For more information about the upcoming programs, please schedule a call here
Trauma can leave a lasting impact on our lives, affecting our mental and physical health our relationships, finances, and career. If you’re tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed by shame and fear, and struggling with post-traumatic stress, you’re not alone.

Beyond Trauma, is a cutting-edge residential program designed to help you reclaim your life and take back control of your emotional well-being. Our innovative approach recognises the complex effects of trauma and provides a comprehensive solution that goes beyond traditional talking therapy. It’s time to view trauma differently, it requires a whole-body approach.

At Beyond Trauma, you’ll embark on a tailored program that
incorporates the latest in neuroscience solutions drawing on our understanding of the mind as well as therapeutic techniques of mindfulness, yoga, breathwork, relaxation, and meditation. Our team will work with you to break the bonds of your trauma and empower you with spiritual understanding to support your recovery.

Take the first step towards a life beyond trauma. Investing in yourself and your well-being and live a life with emotional independence, free from the triggers and post-traumatic stress symptoms”

It requires a whole-being approach to healing to resolve your
traumatic experiences. At Beyond Trauma, healing is not only possible it is inevitable for the individuals that are committed to taking back their life,

Stop letting trauma control you. With Beyond Trauma
residential programs, healing is within reach. Our team has a
proven track record of success, helping individuals overcome
the effects of PTSD even if they have suffered for decades.

And, with testimonials from grateful participants, you can see for yourself the transformative power of our residential programs.

Heal and recover in an open and accepting environment, conducive to restoration & revitalisation.

In just 3-days, you will participate in a variety of healing and therapeutic activities in a safe and confidential, supportive environment, allowing enough time for healing that honours your pace without sharing or re-living the experiences and memories of the past,

Heal and recover in an open and accepting environment, conducive to restoration & revitalisation.

What's Included

  • Personalised Structured Healing
  • Holistic Group Healing Therapy
  • Powerful Energy & Body Work
  • Emotion, Memory, Pattern Release Technique
  • Physical, Mental & Spiritual Balancing
  • Beyond Mindfulness and Meditation Practice
  • Pranayama – Breath-work (Oxygenating the Body)
  • Gentle Yoga and Movement Therapy
  • Beautiful Natural Healing Surroundings
  • Comfortable Accommodation
  • Delicious & Nourishing Food
“Trauma is caused in an instant which means it can be resolved instantly too”-

Manna Abraham is a healer, teacher and founder of Beyond Trauma Residential

Manna specialises in rapidly releasing trauma through online and residential
rehabilitation & recovery.

Her unique background led her to develop the Emotion, Memory, Pattern Release Method, a ground-breaking and cutting-edge way to rapidly release trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression and any other negative emotion.

Manna’s approach is unique because it addresses the mind, body and energy to give a whole-being approach to healing and recovering, achieving quick and lasting results. With over 10,000 client facing hours there’s no doubt it works.

She emphasises that healing is an outcome of who you are, not what you do, and trains practitioners to operate from a pure egoless state.

With countless success stories, Manna is passionate about redefining how we view trauma as a society and understanding that trauma doesn’t need to be a life sentence.


Day - 1

07.00 AM – 08:30 AM: Breathing, Meditation & Yoga
09:00 AM: Healthy Breakfast
10:00 AM – 01:00 PM: Trauma Clearing & Emotion Healing
01:00 PM – 02:00 PM: Nutritious Lunch
02:00 PM – 05:00 PM: Trauma Clearing & Emotion Healing
06:00 PM: Delicious Dinner
07:00 PM – 07:30 PM: Guided Healing Meditation
07.30 PM – 08.30 PM: Calls, Chats & Catch-ups
08:30 PM: Retire to Rooms, Contemplation & Reflection

Day - 2

07.00 AM – 08:30 AM: Breathing, Meditation & Yoga 
09:00 AM: Healthy Breakfast
10:00 AM – 01:00 PM: Condition & Pattern Dissolver
01:00 PM – 02:00 PM: Nutritious Lunch
02:00 PM – 05:00 PM: Creating Your New Future
06:00 PM: Delicious Dinner
07:00 PM – 07:30 PM: Guided Healing Meditation
07.30 PM – 08.30 PM: Calls. Chats & Catch-ups
08:30 PM: Retire to Rooms, Contemplation & Reflection

Day - 3

07.00 AM – 08:30 AM: Breathing, Meditation, Yoga
09:00 AM: Healthy Breakfast
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Intentions, Life Beyond Trauma
12:00 to 12:30 PM: Photos & Feedback
12:30 PM: Delicious Lunch & Farewell

Case Study:

I’m a 50 year old Kamilaroi / Murruwarri woman and I’m a member of the Stolen
Generation in Australia. Over the years I’ve tried many ways to help myself find peace, healing and answers to my questions of why me? Over the years I’ve had depression and battled to stay positive due to all of the negative things that have happened throughout my life.

In January 2023 I came across an event on Facebook that described itself as being atrauma-healing retreat. Despite thinking I’m not sure if this will really work, I thought I would give it a go after having a look at some of the incredible video testimonials. The testimonials seriously sounded too good to be true. I was wondering, hoping and praying that it would work for me too. And it did.

I strongly suspected that there would be no other Aboriginal participants there, but despite my fear, I did it anyway. I was made to feel completely comfortable and welcome. I felt completely safe throughout the process I was guided, challenged and sometimes confronted by my past, but each time I released it and let it go safely in a way that honoured who I was and what I’d been through. I have never experienced anything like it and after the 3 days, I was finally able to feel a deep sense of peace and calm as I’ve never experienced before.

I created a new direction in my life that I know is being driven constantly by my new stronger, more determined but calmer thoughts. I can honestly say that it far exceeded all of my expectations.

Success Stories

What Other Expenses Will I Have To Pay?

The retreats are priced all-inclusive. All accommodation and all food will be provided on-site at no extra cost.

Can I Stay Offsite And Just Attend The Days?

We do not encourage this as it's important to be in the space for reflections. The staff are there to help if anything comes up that you would need support with outside of the session times.

Will it Work For Me?

Although everybody is different, we are experts in this field and we will work with you to get the result want. Some people hold on to their trauma as they are getting a secondary gain from it. However if you are committed, we are committed to you

Does It Work On PTSD?

This methodology is very effective with PTSD sufferers. We work with front-line workers on releasing their traumatic experiences and have fantastic results. What's more, you don't even need to relive the story for this to work.

I Have Suffered Since My Childhood, Can You Still Help?

Absolutely, this process gently and safely uncovers the trauma and resolves the issues whether it is a known or an unknown trauma.

Is It Safe?

We have over 5000 clinical hours and helped thousands of people using this process. It is very safe.

What if I Don't Want To Share My Story In A Group Environment?

This is not traditional talking therapy, it does not require you to share any personal details in order for this to get a result for you.

What If I Have Multiple Traumas?

That's ok, Most people have multiple traumas that manifest in different ways. Throughout this process, you will discover the root cause and resolve it and any other traumatic memories that may come up.

Does It Work On Generational Trauma?

It's excellent for generational and gestational trauma. You don't need to have a memory of the event to clear it from your system.

Does It Work On Gestational Trauma?

It's excellent for gestational and generational trauma. You don't need to have a memory of the event to clear it from your system.

What If My Trauma Was In A Past Life?

Yes, whether you call it past life, cellular, DNA, or bio-memory, if your body has a stored memory, it can be resolved.

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